Activity 9: Anagram
In the anagram activity, you are invited to find a simple anagram of the word
displayed. An anagram is a word or a phrase formed by reordering the letters of
another word or phrase, such as “satin” to “stain”. Type in an anagram and press
to confirm.
Activité 10 : Letter invasion
Try to delete the falling letters by pressing the key matching
that letter. If you do not manage to delete the letter before it
reaches the ground, you will lose the game.
Activity 11: Flip Flop
Two words are displayed on screen. One letter of each
word has been misplaced. Use the and
keys to find
the right letters, and press the
key if you think that
you have found the correct answer.
Level : Simple words.
Level : More complicated words.
Activity 12: Scrambled Word
Level : An image is displayed for a few seconds on the
LCD screen. Then the word corresponding to the picture
will be displayed on screen, but the letters will not be in the
correct order. Use the and
keys to select the first let
ter of the word and press
.Now the letter selected will be at the beginning
of the word. Use the same method for the next letter and so on until the word is
completed. Once you reach the end of the word, you will be told if your answer is
the right one.
Level 2: Same game as in level 1, but no image is displayed. Try to find the right
answer by looking only at the word.
Activity 13: Hangman
Guess the secret word. Each dash replaces a letter in the
word. Type in the letters which you think might be in the
word. If a letter belongs to the hidden word, it will replace
the corresponding dash. If you enter a letter that is not in
the word, the robot will be pushed off screen step-by-step. You have 0 attempts
to find the word, if you do not succeed after 10 times, the robot will fall off screen.
Sometimes an image will appear to give you a clue, but at all other times you will
have to find it without clues.
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