17. The windlass does not stop
exactly at the preset point
This is not a fault. Stopping is accurate to +1 chainwheel revolution. The chainwheel may
run on slightly with momentum.
18. AA550 counts when the
windlass is not turning or
counts erratically displaying a
large number eg 8888
The sensor could be damaged, incorrect cable may be fitted, or the AA550 may have been
subject to external interference - RF or electrical. Check that the sensor cable is not
damaged and that the cable fitted is Beldon 9501 or equivalent, 2 core, tinned, copper,
screened, as specified in the instructions. Check for external interference on the boat eg
damaged or loose RF cables or aerials or other instruments that may not be working correctly
or have been damaged by electrical interference including lightning.
19. AA550 beeps when it is
turned off or locked.
Anchor rode is running through the windlass. Check if the windlass is being operated using
the deck switches or a remote control. If not, check the windlass and anchor is secured.
20. The count pauses
during retrieval.
If the sensor indicator is pulsing this is not a fault. The rode is changing from rope to chain.
13. AA550 will not turn
on or turns off.
Check if the safety lock is on - the LCD will display
. Refer note 2 above.
Check voltages at the battery and the AA550. The LCD will display
Lo Pr.
Refer note 3
Check wiring for loose connections to the solenoids. The LCD will display
SoL Up
if the wires are disconnected. Refer note 12 above.
Check that the windlass is not already in operation using the deck switch or remote control.
Check the total rode on board (Calibration 3 - Operation Manual Pg 4) is not set to OFF.
14. AA550 will not
operate the windlass.
Check battery connections, polarity and voltage. The voltage to the AA550 can be checked
by turning it off and holding the Down button. The voltage is displayed on the LCD. See
page 7 for minimum voltages. Check fuses and wiring and for the
Lo Pr
diagnostic message.
Refer note 3 above.
15. AA550 will operate the
windlass manually but Auto
function does not work
16. Windlass rotates down
when the Up button is
pressed and up when the
Down button is pressed.
Check the rode to be released is not set to zero. The LCD will display
See note 4
above. Use the AA550 manually and check for specific diagnostic messages
(See notes 1 and 5-10 above).
The motor or solenoid wiring is reversed. Change the wiring and check the direction of the
windlass rotation.
SoL uP
SoL dn
Displayed briefly when the
AA550 is turned on.
AA550 will not operate the
SoL uP
- The Up (orange) wire is not connected to the solenoid.
SoL dn
- The Down (yellow)
wire is not connected to the solenoid. These messages also appear if the up or down button is
pressed on the AA550 when the windlass is already in operation using a deck switch. Diodes
or interlock devices between the AA550 and the solenoid will also cause these messages. The
AA550 has internal diode protection. External diodes will cause the system to fail.
SoL oL
Displayed when the Up or
Down button is pressed. The
windlass may operate for a
short period and then stop.
The solenoids could be exceeding the maximum 4 Amps or a solenoid wire is shorted to
ground. The AA550 is designed to turn the solenoids off if these events occur. Check the
solenoids and the wiring and fix as necessary.
SeN 4
Displayed when the AA550
is operated manually. The
sensor indicator does pulse.
Auto does not work.
The sensor is too close if running rope/chain or the windlass has been run without rode.
AA550 will operate the windlass up and down but the count will not be accurate. Try reset-
ting the AA550 by running the windlass up and down for 10-15 seconds. If the message still
appears make sure you have the correct calibration setting for the windlass and rode. Check
the magnet and sensor are aligned, the sensor is in the correct quartile and the gap between
the sensor and magnet is correct. Check for loose wiring from the sensor to the AA550.
When fixed reset the AA550 as above. To reset manually, the anchor must be docked and
the AA550 reset to zero twice. To reset to zero - press and hold the ON/OFF button. Release
when the display shows 0.0. the display shows 0.0.
SeN 5
Displayed during retrieval.
The sensor indicator does
pulse. Auto does not work.
The AA550 has not detected the change from rope to chain. Use Manual Up to complete
retrieval. The count displayed will not be accurate. Check for rope slippage and that the rope
and chain are the correct size for the chainwheel. Check that the sensor is in the correct
quartile. When fixed reset the AA550 to zero. The anchor must be docked. To reset to zero
- press and hold the ON/OFF button. Release when the display shows 0.0.
Kiwi Yachting
P O Box 90114
Mail Centre Auckland, New Zealand
Tel: +64 9 360 0300 Fax: +64 9 360 0302
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.autoanchor.co.nz
The autoanchor is designed and manufactured by: