3.9 Deletion of One code
Remove the battery cover, press the Set Switch, a long “Di…” sounded, red and blue light flashes alternately, press “*”, the red
light turns on, and the digital display shows “--” and flickers, which indicates the lock is under deletion state.
Input the code to be deleted, for example “01******”
, and press “#” to confirm. If the buzzer gives out a long “Di…”, and digital display flickers “n1” and then get
static, it means the deletion operation succeeds.
(* stands for any number, which means code could be deleted even
forgot it)
If the buzzer gives out two short “Di.Di.”, and red light flashes once, it means the deletion operation fails.
If not sure the code input, or any other accidental circumstance, press “*” to return and stop the operation, buzzer gives out two
short “Di.Di” in the mean time. If no further operation is made in 10 seconds, the system will get out of the deletion state
automatically, accompanied with two short “Di.Di.” from the buzzer.
3.10 Deletion of One Fingerprint
Remove the battery cover, press the Set Switch, a long “Di…” sounded, red and blue light flashes alternately, press “*”, the red
light turns on, and the digital display shows “--” and flickers, which indicates the lock is under deletion state.
If the buzzer gives out two short “Di.Di.”, and red light flashes once, it means the deletion operation fails.
Then input the fingerprint position number to be deleted, for example “08”, digital display shows “08” and flickers, press “#” to
confirm. At hearing a long “Di” and static “08” shown on digital display, it means the fingerprint deletion succeed.
Chapter 3 Operations
3.11 System Initialization
Through initialization operation, all information in the system can be deleted. In this case, any fingerprint can open the lock.
Remove the battery cover, take off one of the four batteries, and press any one key to run out the left power.
Keep pressing the Set Switch and hold on, put back the battery, after about 5 seconds, one long “Di…” sounded and
red light turns on which stands for all codes are cleared.
If keep pressing the Set Switch and hold on, after another about 5 seconds, red light turns off, fingerprint window turns
on and one long “Di…” sounded. Loose the Set Switch and wait for another 1 or 2 seconds, “n n” will be shown on
digital display, which means all fingerprints are cleared.
Chapter 3 Operations
Input one valid 8-digit code (at most 30 numbers can be input for hiding the real code, but the valid 8-digit code must be input
continuously), when hearing a short “Di” and seeing blue light flickers, digital displays shows the code number, for example “n1”,
then turn the handle to open the door.
If input an invalid code, the buzzer gives out two short “Di.Di.”, red light flickers, and turn the handle, the door is not opened.
3.8 Unlock with Code
3.7 Unlock with Fingerprint
When the lock is still
(no code or fingerprint inside)
Press “#” key, at hearing
short “Di” and seeing “n n” on the digital display, as the fingerprint window turns on blue,
. Buzzer gives
out a reminding short “Di” and blue light flickers once, in this case, turn the handle to open the door. However, if the fingerprint is
not read properly, the buzzer gives out one short “Di.”, red light flickers, and the door is not opened.
under factory mode
any fingerprint could open it
put any fingerprint on it
When the lock is set up with fingerprint(s), press “#”, at hearing a short “Di” and seeing the fingerprint window light up, put the
valid fingerprint on it. Buzzer gives out a short “Di”, blue light flickers, and the fingerprint position number, for example “09”, will
be shown on the digital display. At this moment, turn the handle to open the door. If the fingerprint is not properly read, buzzer
gives out one short “Di.” and red right flickers, and turn the handle, the door is not opened.
There is NO initial code in factory mode.