Leuze electronic
Unauthorized muting restart may result in serious injury!
A qualified person (see chapter 2.2 "Necessary competencies") must observe the procedure
Make certain that the danger zone can be viewed from the acknowledgment unit and that
the entire process can be observed by the responsible person.
Before and during the muting restart, ensure that there are no people in the danger zone.
If the safety sensor or the muting controller responds with an error message, perform an error
reset (see chapter 4.3 "Error reset").
Press and release the acknowledgment unit within 0.2 to 4 s.
Press the acknowledgment unit again and keep the acknowledgment unit pressed down.
The muting controller switches on.
Both muting signals are activated:
The muting controller switches to muting mode.
A muting signal is activated:
Muting is initiated when the acknowledgment unit is released. The second muting signal must be activated
within a maximum of 4 s in order to continue muting. If the second muting signal is not activated within this
time, muting is ended.
No muting signal is activated:
Muting is ended immediately even if the acknowledgment unit is not released.
Muting controller with muting enable; a muting signal is activated:
Muting is initiated when the acknowledgment unit is released. The second muting signal must be activated
within a maximum of 4 s in order to continue muting. If the second muting signal is not activated within this
time, muting is ended.
Muting controller with muting enable; without extension of the muting timeout:
Overriding is only possible with acknowledgment unit permanently pressed down.
Error reset
If an internal or external error is detected by the safety sensor or the muting controller, the muting controller
switches to the interlock state.
To reset the safety circuit to the initial state, reset the muting controller via the reset signal.
• The reset signal can be set via the connected acknowledgment unit or via a component in the machine
• When overriding, the reset signal may only come from one source, i.e., either from the connection
socket of the acknowledgment unit or from the RES signal of the machine interface.
• Duration of the reset signal: 0.2 s to 4 s
Manual error reset
Reset signal via the connected acknowledgment unit
Press and release the acknowledgment unit within 0.2 to 4 s.