Installation and maintenance
Synchronous permanent magnet motors
4155 en - 2012.05 / e
Placing the motor in the vertical position
Warning: On some motor sizes, although the rotor’s magnetic
force on the stator is very high, the force is not sufficient to
support the stator when the motor is suspended in a vertical
position. It is therefore important for safety reasons to leave the
DE shield screwed onto the housing.
In addition, take care not to tilt the motor with the NDE shaft
extension resting on the floor. We therefore recommend you
reinstall the cover at the non-drive end of the motor before
performing the operation. This could also be left in place when
removing the rotor if the clamping system allows.
- Put the motor on the workbench or leave it on a pallet.
- Replace the DE shield if it had previously been removed.
- Replace the cover without replacing the NDE shield.
- Install a shackle on the shaft extension.
- Raise the motor to the vertical with a lifting block, while tilting
the motor on the cover (this has a bevelled part on the underside
that can keep the motor stable during the operation).
- Put the motor down on the table. If it is necessary to remove
the cover, take care to pass the NDE shaft extension through
the specially-designed hole in the table. Make sure that the end
turns do not protrude from the housing. Otherwise, a protective
«container» should be installed between the winding and the
- Remove the DE shield.
Clamping the stator
- Place the arms of the clamping table on the DE shield of the
housing bore. Depending on the size, it may also be possible
to use the terminal box to help you.