2.7.4 Connection test
We recommend to check the tibre-optic ring tor Commissioning the
communication network LECOM-LI. Vou rio not need a master
computer tor this test.
After having completed the installation ot the tibre-optic network,
Ihe tollowing fest helps to check the network:
Separate the fibre-optic adaptor 2125 or 2126 trom Ihe master
• Graste ahorting plug (bride 9 pole Sub-D-plug, pin 9 and pin 3
with lkD
• Connect ahorting plug to tibre-opttc adaptor 2125 or 2126.
• Apply supply voltage to all drive controllers in Ihe tibre-optic
• Apply supply voltage to all tibre-optic distributors.
• Apply suppiy voltage to the tibre-optic adaptor 2125 or 2126.
TxD and RxD lamps ot all tibre-optic adaptors and tibre-
optic distributors are tlashing, i.e. all tibre-optic adaptors
are connected properly to the tibre-optic cable.
1) they are not connected properly, the TxD and RxD lamps will
remain dark as trom the point ot interruption ot the tibre-optic
netwo rk.
This test helps In easily find taults occudng in the fibre-optic