Application examples
93XX controller with two terminal extensions
Controller settings
(Please also note the specifications in the system manual of the controller).
Setting sequence:
1. Set CAN bus node address to value 1 (C0350 = 1).
2. Address for CAN3−IN and CAN3−OUT is to be determined by C0350
(C0353/3 = 0).
3. Set CAN bus baud rate to 500 kBit/s (C0351 = 0).
4. Set CAN bus master operation (C0352 = 1).
5. Set cycle time for cyclic process data transfer (C0356/3 > 0).
6. Change process output words in CAN3−OUT to digital output signals
(C0864/3 = 1).
7. Save set parameters (C0003 = 1).
8. Activate CAN reset node (C0358 = 1).
When status information is sent from the terminal extension, the
entire byte is read into the controller, including the status
information of the digital outputs.
In the example, the input states are read via
CAN3−IN.B0 ... CAN3−IN.B7 and the output states via
CAN3−IN.B8 ... CAN3−IN.B15.
Check the internal links of the input signals
CAN3−IN.B8 ... CAN3−IN.B15 at the controller. Set outputs (HIGH
level) of the terminal extension may trigger uncontrolled actions
on the controller.