Specimen stages and accessories
The specimen stage supports the specimens
that are to be examined through the mi-
croscope. Several options are available to
accommodate the wide variety of specimens
examined, such as object guides, extension
plates, specimen clips, scanning stage, heating
stage, etc.
Objective nosepiece and objectives
The objective nosepiece is used to hold the
objectives. L objectives with long working
distances, for example, are specially corrected
to respect different thicknesses of vessel bases.
All microscope objectives from magnification
2.5x to 100x can be used. All objectives from the
DM L and DM R range with 25 mm thread are
compatible. The performance data of Leica
objectives can be found in the chapter
“Technical Data; Performance Data” or on the
relevant objective lists available from your Leica
IR/R tube adapter
The tube adapter is used to adapt tubes from the
DM R range.
A magnified, virtual image of the actual
intermediate image produced by the objective is
produced with the eyepieces. They act as a
Transmitted light illumination unit
The transmitted light illumination unit consists of
the lamphousing and the transmitted light
illumination column. The transmitted light
lamphousing comprises a precentred 12 V 100 W
halogen lamp and a filter module for three
swing-in filters.
Field diaphragm
The field diaphragm is used to produce Koehler
A variety of lamphousings are offered for the
DM IRB (for halogen, mercury or xenon lamps).
The description and area of application can be
found in the operation section of this manual.
Filters are generally used to enhance the
contrast of the specimen and are assembled in
the illumination column. A variety of different
filters are easily changed.