Together with condenser top 0.53 S23, max.
FWD 30 mm, culture vessels can be examined
microscopically up to liquid levels of 25 mm. For
contrasting techniques brightfield (HF), phase
contrast (Phaco/PH), transmitted light inter-
ference contrast (ICT) and polarisation contrast,
objectives with magnifications up to 100x can
be used. For transmitted light darkfield we
recommend objectives with a numerical aper-
ture up to 0.40.
For condenser top 0. 90 S1, max. FWD 1 mm, thin
specimen slides and coverslips must be used as
substrates for the specimen. Objectives with a
numerical aperture up to 0.75 are suitable for
transmitted light darkfield. All other contrasting
techniques can be performed up to objective
magnification 100x.
Condenser disc
All condensers of the Leica DM IRB are
equipped with a 6-position disc which can be
fitted with an individual choice of annular stops
for phase contrast (PH), darkfield (DF) or IC
prisms for transmitted light interference con-
trast (ICT).
Performance data of stages
and mountable object guides
Plane stage
With hole for insert rings of 20 mm diameter or
40 mm diameter. Holes for inserting specimen
clips and two threaded holes on left and right
underneath the stage for attachment of the
object guide.
Object guide
Adjustment range: X 127 mm x Y 83 mm
To accommodate holders for different culture
vessels. Self-adhesive scales for the holders are
enclosed for coordinate adjustment reading.
These should be stuck in the countersinks of the
object guide.
3-plate x/y stage
Adjustment range: X 60 mm x Y 40 mm
With hole for insert rings of 20 mm diameter or
40 mm diameter. Holes for inserting specimen
clips. Coaxial drive for specimen positioning
with universal joint.
Rotary stage with object guide
and frame insert for coverslips
Rotation radius: 360
Adjustment range of the object guide:
X 40 mm x Y 40 mm
The object guide accommodates specimen
slides or the frame insert for coverslips. The
minimum size of coverslips that can be secured
in the frame insert is 22 mm x 32 mm.