Rugby 610, Operation
Elevation Alert (H.I.) Function
Description of the
Elevation Alert
• The Elevation Alert or Height of Instrument (H.I.) function prevents incorrect work
caused by movement or settling of the tripod that would cause the laser to level at
a lower height.
• The Elevation Alert function becomes active and monitors the movement of the
laser 30 second after the Rugby has completely levelled and the head of the laser
starts rotating.
• The Elevation Alert monitors the laser. If disturbed, the H.I. LED flashes and the
Rugby beeps rapidly.
• To stop the alert turn Rugby off and on again. Check the height of the laser before
beginning to work again.
The Elevation Alert function turns on automatically every time the Rugby is
turned on.
Disable or enable
the Elevation Alert
The Elevation Alert function can be disabled or enabled by pressing the following
button combination:
• With the Rugby turned on, press and hold the Left hidden button and the Right
hidden button.
• Press the Centre hidden button.
The Rugby beeps once to indicate the change.
If the Elevation Alert function is enabled, the H.I. Indicator LED flashes twice
quickly on power up.