The spreading quantity is determined using the following formula:
Desired quantity of spreading (kg/a) X Speed (km/h) X Spreading width
5.0 kg /ha
12 km/h X
12 m
Now the correct value can be obtained by fresh turning in case of changed scale
settings. However after commencement of the operation the spreading quantity on
the field must be controlled.
Safety regulations:
1. Since the spreader runs very fast and the spreading elements are very sharp, no
repairs must be carried out during its operation.
2. The spreader is accelerated considerably by the rocker shovel. Any stoppage in
the region of spreading is not allowed.
3. The agitator in the storage reservoir runs very rapidly. Under no circumstances
should the container slow down during the operation.
4. During the spreading of granules, the safety regulations of the supplements of the
packing are to be observed.
5. Unscrew the lid to fill the instrument. Only that quantity of spiral corn required for
the short term should be filled. Protective clothing must be worn during filling,
particularly the universal protective hand gloves. The regulations of the spiral corn
manufacturer in connection with the pesticides must be observed.
6. The instrument can be emptied using a bowl. For emptying the remnants, unscrew
the container and clean the instrument with a brush. Add the remnants of the product
into the original packing. These should not be disposed uncontrolled in the
7. Negative effects of permitted pesticides on the materials used are not known.