If your driving vehicle is not equipped with a generator, make sure that the battery is
in a charged sufficiently. In case of poor electric supply, it may happen that the
desired rotational speed is not attained. Before yourself getting down to extending
the cables, you should consult the manufacturer. With extensions, loss in the output
is to be expected.
Commissioning of the spreader:
All the functional keys are arranged on the front side. The main switch used for
switching on and off, is located on the left, beside the display. When this is operated,
the motor starts and at the same time, the spreading disc and the agitator begin to
rotate immediately.
The Display:
The following events can be indicated in the display.
a) Rotational speed
b) Opening of the slider
c) Error message (Error 1-3). Also see the chapter ‘troubleshooting’.
Using the button located directly to the right of the display, change the function of
rotational speed to Slider opening. The corresponding indication is seen on the
display. For this press only the centre of the button. A pilot lamp shows you the
status. (Above speed indication, below slider opening)
Regulate the continuously variable speed to the adjusted value using the keys – and
+ under the display. The data entered first changes relatively slowly in order to adjust
the values accurately. Pressing the relevant key for a longer time accelerates the
function. By doing so, you can carry out practically fast changes in the speed and the
slider opening. Attention, adjustment begins only on releasing the key.
The right functional key helps in operation of the slider. The symbol of the open slider
is depicted above the key while below it is the symbol of the closed slider. The pilot
lamps help to recognize the corresponding position of the slider. When the slider is
open, an additional symbol is indicated on the display on its left hand side. Attention,
on switching off the mains, the slider is closed automatically. During each insertion of
the control panel, the version of the software is displayed for approx. 1/2 seconds.
(e.g. 3.0)
Reference run of the slider:
The control panel and the slider motor are synchronized with one another at the
factory. If the values are lost over a period of time, carry out a fresh reference run.
Press the keys + and – simultaneously. On doing so, the slider automatically opens
first up to the end and then closes. By doing so, both the positions are stored in the