Communication Issues
What is it doing?
Possible causes
Check and correct
The camera is on, but
its web interface is not
A cable is not connected.
Make sure all network and OneLINK
cables are connected.
The network or OneLINK cable is bad. Replace the bad cable.
The camera is not using the IP
address you browsed to.
Vaddio cameras: Press the Data
Screen button on the remote to see the
camera's IP address.
Video and Audio Issues
What is it doing?
Possible causes
Check and correct
The camera is on but
not transmitting video.
Possible cable length issue.
Try a better grade of cable (Cat-6 or
Cat-7) for the OneLINK connection.
Video drops out
Possible cable inductance issue.
Do not store excess cable by coiling it
Best practice: Build cables to the
required length.
Video and audio don't
match up – speech is
audible before the
person on the far end
appears to start
The audio signal is arriving before the
video signal, which is normal but not
For the affected audio outputs (Line
Out, HDMI Out, or USB Record),
enable Delay and enter a value in
When connected to a
conferencing codec:
Far-end audio drops
out periodically, and
the issue may
Echo cancellation is enabled on both
the codec and the OneLINK device.
Disable echo cancellation on the
OneLINK device.
Audio feedback or
echo that intensifies.
Echo cancellation is disabled.
If using the OneLINK device with a
conferencing codec, enable echo
cancellation on the codec. Otherwise,
enable echo cancellation on the
OneLINK device.
Complete Manual for the OneLINK Bridge Express AV Interface