The parameters can easily be set for the system using simple codes that provide access to the different
parameter setting steps.
A parameter setting is changed by entering the following on the controller keypad:
• 1 - The setting code (90XX codes)
• 2 - E (confirmation)
• 3 - The setting value
• 4 - E (confirmation)
• C: for cancelling an entry being made.
An entry in parameter setting mode is confirmed by an audible signal from the controller lasting 2 seconds.
The system remains in parameter setting mode for 2 minutes and then returns automatically to normal mode.
Entering a valid configuration code extends this period by 2 minutes.
The system remains completely functional in parameter setting mode.
Code: parameter
Chaperone period: Period during which the controller will not detect an alarm after a chaperone code
is entered. This period can be set between 1 and 255 seconds.
Example: Chaperone period of 45 s: 9001 e 45 e
Once the door has been opened and closed the controller returns to surveillance mode and the
chaperone time is cancelled.
Chaperone code: Code that must be entered when the system is in surveillance mode in order for the
exit to be crossed with a wristband without an alarm being triggered. This code can be between 1 and
5 digits long. Avoid using codes that start with "90" so as to avoid any of the parameter settings being
changed by mistake.
Example code 12345: 9002 e 12345 e
acknowledgement code (standalone mode only): Code that must be entered in order to
acknowledge an alarm and stop the buzzer from sounding. This code can be between 0 and 4 digits
Example code 456: 9003 e 456 e
Buzzer volume: Sound level of the buzzer output in the event of an alarm. 0 = no audible signal,
1 = medium volume (75 dB A at 10 cm), 2 = high volume (85 dB A at 10 cm).
Example: Setting the buzzer to medium volume.: 9004 e 1 e
paraMeter settIng
Commissioning (continued)
Important: The system must be in parameter setting mode before codes are entered on the keypad. There are
two ways of doing this:
- By placing a magnet under the controller.
- By entering the access code in the keypad parameter setting mode (9039E). This code is only taken into
account if the locking configuration (CONF) is at position "1.2" (factory position 2 and 3) .