The configuration file allows you to transmit the information needed to set up the web socket connection between
the charging station and the server, change the network configuration of the terminal and set up the charging point.
Possible configurations :
• The server’s URI allows the login address to be transmitted to the OCPP server;
• UID of the charging station allows to transmit the identifier to be used by the terminal when connecting to the
OCPP server;
• RJ45 port network configuration allows you to set up the IP address for the RJ45 port of the charging station
o IP address ;
o Subnet mask ;
o IP address of the gateway ;
o DHCP enable/disable
o IP address DNS1
o IP address DNS2
• WiFi network configuration allows WiFi network information to be transmitted using the charging station and the
IP connection address of the charging station’s WiFi port;
o Network’s SSID ;
o WEP key ;
o IP address;
o Subnet mask ;
o IP adress of the gateway ;
o DHCP enable/disable
o IP address DNS1
o IP address DNS2
• Setting the badge reader to work in the event of an offline charging station (are allowed: all IDs, only locally stored
IDs, no IDs)
• Setting up access to web pages allows you to change access to web pages (for security reasons, it is strongly
recommended to change the access iD and password) ;