Operating Instructions
1. Wash and clean area prior to use and pretreat area
with Serums for maximum benefit.
2. Attach Power Supply
3. Plug the Power Supply into wall outlet.
4. Press power button for anti-aging and recovery.
5. Place the device as close to the skin as possible for the
desired treatment area.
6. Leave the light on the treatment area for a minimum of 8
minutes. For recovery treatments longer sessions
are recommended.
7. The device will beep every minute to alert user to
treament time.
8. Move device to the next treatment area and
repeat steps 4-7.
9. Shut off device and store in travel bag.
10. Use the device daily for best results.
11. Unit will automatically shut off if the device exceeds
desired temperature. Let unit cool for a few minutes
and begin treatments again.
12. Do not obstruct or block ventilation holes
during operation.