Anti-aging Treatment
Assembly Instructions
This is a Medical Grade light emitting diode (LED) device that
emits energy for the use in dermatology for the treatment of
fine lines and wrinkles, skin pigmentation and overall skin tone
through IR, Deep Red, Red and Amber lights. The device
treatment time is controlled by the operator. There are no user
settings or adjustments.
1. Unpack your DPL
II device.
2. Plug Power Supply into device.
3. Plug Power Supply into wall outlet.
4. Press Power Button to turn on and off.
Light Sensitivity Test
Test yourself for light sensitivity prior to using on your face:
1. Power on your device.
2. Place device on or within ¼” of the skin on
your forearm for three minutes.
3. After 3 minutes check the area. If area has turned red
and lasts for more than 2 hours your skin is light sensitive.
4. Discontinue use and contact Customer Service.