DMPA12 Digital Power Amplifier
Programmable outputs notebook
Settings for the 8 programmable outputs are contained
within a notebook, with one page per programmable
output. The tabs along the bottom of the notebook are
used to select one of the programmable outputs for
To set up one of the programmable outputs, select a
function type from the Function list. Once selected,
controls appear which are used to choose the specific
feature or features of the DMPA12 that the function ap-
plies to. These choices will vary according to the nature
of the programmable output function values. The follow-
ing function types are available:
Monitor Prog Input State (IS)
This function monitors a programmable input. The
response varies according to the function type selected
for the programmable input. Programmable input func-
tions are as follows:
Analog Output RP Gain Control
Active when the gain is in the upper half of range.
Inc Output RP Gain 1dB
Active when there is a contact closure on
programmable input.
Dec Output RP Gain 1dB
Active when there is a contact closure on
programmable input.
Recall Memory Preset
Active when the preset controlled by the
programmable input is the current preset.
Toggle Mute Outputs
Active when the audio outputs controlled by the
programmable input are unmuted.
Momentary Mute Outputs
Active when the audio outputs controlled by the
programmable input are unmuted.
Run a Macro on Close
Active when there is a contact closure on
programmable input.
Run a Macro on Close/Open
Active when there is a contact closure on
programmable input
Monitor Active Preset (AP)
This function monitors the active preset and activates
the programmable output if one of the specified presets
becomes active (is recalled from nonvolatile memory).
This function is configured by selecting one or more
presets to be monitored.
Monitor Output Faults (OF)
This function monitors the output power amplifier status
and activates the programmable output if a fault condi-
tion is detected. This function is configured by selecting
one or more output channel PAIRS to be monitored. A
fault on one, the other, or both channels in the pair will
cause the programmable output to activate.
To finish the setup, the programmable output invert sta-
tus may be set using the Invert checkbox. If inverted, a
programmable output will behave in a manner opposite
to that described above in the function descriptions.
Programmable output status indicators
These are lit red when the corresponding programma-
ble output becomes active (conducting to ground).
Rear Panel Ctrl Copy/Paste
The entire group of rear panel control settings can be
copied and pasted into another preset. This can save a
lot of time when a common rear panel setup needs to
be duplicated in multiple presets. There are two ways to
do this:
• Right click somewhere outside the programmable
inputs/outputs notebook and choose Copy ALL
Rear Panel Ctrl Settings from the popup menu.
Then load the destination preset from file (or recall it
from device memory), right click somewhere outside
the programmable inputs/outputs notebook, and
choose Paste ALL Rear Panel Ctrl Settings from the
popup menu.
• Choose Edit->Copy ALL Rear Panel Ctrl Settings
from the Menu Bar. Then load the destination preset
from file (or recall it from device memory), and
choose Edit->Paste Rear Panel Ctrl Settings from
the Menu Bar.