Venue 2 Wideband Receiver
Smart Tune
Clear frequencies can be discovered automatically us-
ing the SmartTune
utility. Navigate to SMART TUNE
in the TOP MENU and press the encoder. A listing of
the installed receiver modules will appear.
The number of scan passes can be set from 1 to 10. A
single pass will identify xed RF signals such as televi-
sion broadcasts. Multiple passes stand a better chance
of catching intermittent signals or those that fluctuate
in strength fairly often. Of course, multiple scans takes
more time, but it is a good idea if there is time for it.
Use the 6 buttons under the LCD to select the chan-
nels to be included in the scans. Press each button
to check the corresponding box in the display (enable
the channel) and press the button again to remove the
check mark (disable the channel).
Select BEGIN and press the encoder to start the
scanning process. RX1 (channel 1) will be scanned
first, and when a clear frequency is identified, a pop up
screen will appear displaying the results and a prompt
to turn on a transmitter on the newly discovered fre-
quency. An option to send the settings to an
IR enabled transmitter is also presented on the
pop up screen.
Manual Scanning
Spectrum scanning can be conducted manually to
research RF activity. Navigate to the SCAN item in the
TOP MENU and press the encoder. Then select the
receiver to use for the scan the icon shown below.
After selecting the receiver to use for the scan, select
START and press the encoder. The START item will
change to STOP while the scanning is taking place.
The scanning will build a graphical representation of
the RF activity within the tuning range of the receivers.
The scanning will take place from left to right and con-
tinue repeating until STOP is selected and the encoder
is pressed, and the scanning is paused.
While paused, the spectrum can be manually explored
by scrolling through the display. Select and highlight
SCROLL and rotate the encoder to move the cursor
through the scan results.
For a closer view of the scan data, deselect SCROLL,
then select ZOOM IN and press the encoder. The dis-
play with magnify the scan results and the screen can
be scrolled in a close-up view.
To select a clear frequency, scroll to an area in the
spectrum with little or no RF energy and press the
BACK button on the front panel. A pop up display will
appear prompting for a choice of OLD or NEW. Select
NEW to change the receiver to the frequency shown
on the display. The display with then return to the
SCAN menu item.