How many options are there?
Movie Slideshow
In Movie mode highlight a movie icon on the Index
Screen and click Slideshow. All the movies on the
card will play in sequence. Click the Index button
to pause a movie. Click Index again to jump to the
next movie. To stop the Movie Slideshow, turn the
main power Off.
Setup Mode
From the Index Screen press and hold OK on
the Navigator. The Setup screen will have a solid
background. Click left or right to change Setup
topics. Click up and down to select a menu option
within a topic. Every screen has a default position
of Exit, so you can click OK to leave Setup mode.
In Picture mode click OK to enter Setup. The
Setup topics appear over your photo. The first
topic is
The options let you erase the cur-
rent image or all images or format the media card.
If you want to delete folders
or other files, you will need to
do so from your computer’s
file browser when the Picture
Viewer is connected by the
USB cable to your computer
(see page 12).