L’Docile body scales count with both measuring systems, Metric (kilograms)
and Imperial (pounds, stones). You can convert your weight unit as follows:
The unit switch in on the back side of the scale,
inside the ba�ery compartment.
Find the unit switch bu�on, and press it to convert
the measuring scale between kg-lb-st.
A�er selec�ng the prefered unit of measurement, the scale will auto-off a�er
3 seconds. The selected weight unit will be ac�vated when the scale is turned
ON again.
* When se�ng lb/st as weight unit, the default height unit is feet/inch;
* When se�ng kg as weight unit, the default height unit is cm.
Auto step on weighing mode when bluetooth is not connected
a. When LCD shows 0.0, the scale is ready for weight measurement.
b. Now carefully step on the glass pla�orm of the scale.
Stand as s�ll as possible un�l the weight reading is shown on the LED
at the moment body weight of measurement is finished.
c. A�er reading your weight, please leave the scale.
The scale will automa�cally switch off a�er a few seconds
step on the
Install ba�ery and
place the scale on
flat floor
Display your weight
Digits flash,
stabilized and
a. Download “AIFit” App
Search for the app at Google Play or Apple store, or simply scan
the below QR code to start the download to your phone.
Remark: Aifit is available for iOS 8.0 and Android 5.0 devices
with Bluetooth or later versions
Measuring Body Weight, BMI, BFR, Muscle, Moisture, Bone Mass, BMR,
Visceral Fat, Protein Rate, Body Age, Body Fat, Standard Weight, Weight
Control, Weight without Fat, Muscle Weight, Protein Amount, Obesity Degree
b. Register a USER
Step 1:
Start <AIFit> and
register an account
Step 2:
Edit the user and
complete the profile
Tip: You can register
up to 8 users.