Dear Customer,
Welcome to the world of L’Docile Bluetooth Smart Scale.
This product is specially designed to test your Body Weight, BMI, BFR, Muscle,
Moisture, Bone Mass, BMR, Visceral Fat, Protein Rate, Body Age, Body Fat,
Standard Weight, Weight Control, Weight without Fat, Muscle Weight,
Protein Amount, and Obesity Degree,
providing informa�on for your reference.
Based on the analysis of your height, weight and age, etc., it helps you control
your weight and map your progress.
Please read this instruc�ons carefully before use.
1. Use of German high precision strain gauge sensors & high performance CPU
2. Mul�func�on: test
Body Weight, BMI, BFR, Muscle, Moisture, Bone Mass,
BMR, Visceral Fat, Protein Rate, Body Age, Body Fat, Standard Weight, Weight
Control, Weight without Fat, Muscle Weight, Protein Amount, Obesity Degree
3. Op�onal normal weighing mode
4. Low ba�ery [LO] and overload indicators [Err]
5. Capacity of 3kg - 180Kg (unit: kg lb st:lb). Accuracy: 100g
Remark: The scale would be switched on when a weight of 5 kg or more is
placed on it. A�er switching on, the minimum weight this scale can
measure is 3kg
6. Automa�c ON / OFF
7. White LED display, invisible when OFF
1. Open the ba�ery case cover at the bo�om
of the scale.
2. Take out the used ba�eries, with the aid of a
sharp object (if needed).
3. Install new ba�eries by pu�ng one side of
the ba�ery down first and pressing down the
other side. (Please observe the polarity)
1. During Measuring
a. The device is designed to allow auto step on. Please always ignore the first
reading and only start taking effec�ve record from the second �me
b. Always remove your shoes and socks, wipe clean your feet before using
the scale.
c. Step on the weighing pla�orm gently.
d. It is advisable to take measurement at the same �me of the day.
e. Measured result could be misleading a�er intensive exercise, excessive
die�ng or under extreme dehydra�on condi�on.
f. Always weigh/use the scale on a hard and flat surface.
When you are measuring, please keep s�ll.
g. The measured data of the following people may have devia�on:
* Children under 10 or adult over 100
(can only use the device under normal weighing mode)
* Adult over 70
* Body building athletes or other occupa�onal athletes.
h. People with the following condi�ons should not use the device:
* Pregnant women
* Those with symptom of edema
* Those on dialysis treatment
* Those who use heart pacemaker or with other implanted medical device.
2. Safety Warning
a. The measurements evaluated by the L’Docile Bluetooth Smart Scale are
only for reference (not for medical purpose). If your results are over/below
the normal level, please consult your doctor for more advice.
b. Keep away from strong electro-magne�c field when using the scale.
c. It could be slippery if you weigh on a wet surface. Moreover, if the weighing
pla�orm surface is glazed, never step on the edge of the scale and do keep
balance during your weighing.