Preparing for Use
Note: In Section 1.3, “you” is understood to be the person assisting the user.
On the Eyegaze Edge desktop, click on either the Eyegaze icon or the EyeWorld icon to bring up
the calibration screen.
1.3.1 Positioning the Screen
The Eyegaze Edge screen must be positioned in front of the user in such a way that a) he can
comfortably see the entire screen, and b) the camera can clearly “see” one of his eyes. He should be
positioned between 18 – 30 inches from the screen, typically about 24 inches, depending on his
personal preference.
The screen should always be parallel to his face with the top edge typically at
around eye level.
Positioning the screen too high will make Eyegaze operation very fatiguing for the
If the user is reclining, angle the top of the screen down so he is facing it. If he is side-lying it is
typically easiest to point the camera at the eye which is highest.
Image: Side-lying position
1.3.2 Using the Eye Image Display
The eye image display appears in the upper right corner of the control screen*
Image: Seated position.