Note: In Section 2, “you” is understood to be the user.
Main Menu
Upon completing the calibration procedure, the Eyegaze
Edge automatically displays its Main Menu. The Main
Menu is the navigational center of the Eyegaze Edge. It
presents a list of various Eyegaze programs and permits
a user to select the desired program. To call up the
program of your choice, visually press the key next to
the program name. When you are finished with a
program, looking at the “Exit” key for that program
restores the Main Menu.
Using a speech synthesizer, the Phrases program allows a person to “speak” regularly used phrases
with a single key activation, eliminating the need to type a whole phrase each time he wishes to speak
it. The Phrases screens use a simple large-key format with 14 phrases and two control keys on each
screen. Looking at a key causes its phrase to be verbalized.
The “Pause” key temporarily deactivated the Phrases keys to avoid inadvertent key activation while
reading the screen choices. Gazing at the Pause key a second time re-starts the eyetracking and
permits key activation. The “Menu” key returns you to the Phrase Selection Menu.
There are nine Phrases screens to choose from on the Phrases Selection menu screen. An assistant
can easily customize both the Phrases screen labels and the spoken phrases to suit your requirements
by using the ECS Settings Program. (See Section 6.8 “Editing the Phrases.)
The Keyboard program makes it possible to type by looking at keys on a keyboard display. As the keys
are activated, the typed characters appear on the screen above the keyboard. The typed text can be
Image: Main Menu
Image: Phrases Menu
Image: Sample Phrases Screen