Speed key, or by exiting the Computer Access program. The Eyegaze Edge leaves the selected speed
highlighted so you can always see what its present value is.
Step Mode
If you have difficulty moving your eyes quickly from one screen to another, select Step Mode. In the
Step Mode, whenever the user activates an arrow key, the mouse cursor on your computer moves a
fixed distance and stops automatically. To make the cursor move, you activate the arrow key indicating
the direction you want.
The distance the cursor travels is controlled by selecting one of the six keys labeled “Cursor Speed /
Step Size” (the same keys used to control the cursor speed when the mouse is in the speed mode).
Key 1 gives the smallest step and key 6 the largest.
Clicking Mouse Buttons
Once you have positioned the cursor where you want it on your computer, mouse clicks are
implemented by activating one of the six “Click Mouse” keys on the Mouse Control screen.
The left column of Click Mouse keys corresponds to the left button on a hand-controlled mouse, and the
right column of keys corresponds to the right button on a hand-controlled mouse.
Double Clicking
To double-click a mouse button (or buttons); activate one of the Eyegaze keys in the second row of the
“Click Mouse” keys. A single Eyegaze command causes the mouse to double-click.
Click and Hold Operations
In a manual click-and-hold operation, the user moves the cursor to an object he wants to move,
presses a mouse button, moves the cursor while holding the button down, and releases the button
when the cursor is at the location where he wishes to drop the object. The Eyegaze System allows the
equivalent operation with eye control.
First, move the mouse cursor to the object you wish to move. To initiate the click-and-hold operation,
visually activate one of the keys in the bottom row of the “Click Mouse” Keys. At this point the Eyegaze
Edge “presses” the mouse button and “holds” it down. To indicate that the button is being held down,
the Eyegaze Edge eliminates all the other mouse-button keys from the display. You then move the
mouse cursor to the desired location on your computer’s screen, using the arrow keys on the Eyegaze
screen. When the mouse cursor is at the location where you wish to release the object, look back to the
Eyegaze screen and activate the remaining mouse key. The Eyegaze Edge then “releases” the object.
Upon completion of the click-and-hold operation, the Mouse Control screen returns to its normal
appearance, i.e. the other mouse keys reappear.
Return to Keyboard
To exit the Mouse Control screen and return to the keyboard, look at the “Type” key.
2.4.2 Assistant Interaction
An assistant can perform keyboard and mouse operations on your PC or MAC by manually operating
its keyboard and mouse. Manual keystrokes and mouse operations on your computer can be
interspersed with mouse commands from the Eyegaze Edge; your computer will respond to both inputs.
The assistant may exit the Mouse Control screen by manually pressing the Escape key on the Eyegaze
Edge keyboard.