V_pro8 Manual
Operation (Web Browser Control)
Signal Routing
To assign a subset of channels
Click on the black dividing line in between the channels you wish to select - for example, between
channels 3, 4, 5 and 6 - and drag and drop onto the first target channel.
Or click on the grey
Group A
Group B
Group C
Group D
indicators to select all the audio
channels in an SDI group.
If multiple channels are selected, then they are assigned in a consecutive manner. So, in
our example, MADI channels 1 to 8 are assigned to SDI channels 1 to 8.
You can drop onto any valid target channel. So, for example, release your mouse button
over target channel 9 to assign the eight channels to SDI channels 9 to 16.
If you select more source channels than there are targets (for example, all 32 MADI
channels), then the first channels from the selection are assigned.