Turn-On Sequence
When applying AC power to the unit, the following sequence of events takes place:
1. The unit goes into mute mode.
2. Warm-up: An internal oven heats up the temperature-sensitive devices to a set temperature.
The warm-up time depends on the initial temperature and may take up to 5 minutes for a cold
unit. During warm-up, the unit blinks the two upper sample frequency lamps (44.1 and 48
3. When set temperature is reached, the unit goes into self-calibration mode. The calibration time
may take a few minutes. During calibration, the unit blinks the two lower sample frequency
lamps (88.2 and 96 LED’s).
4. The unit finds the first active input and converts digital audio to analog sound (if the INPUT
SELECT Search Mode is enabled. Please see the Input Signal Selection section).
The DA2002 determines the incoming sample rate for the selected input and displays the
incoming frequency (44.1, 48, 88.2 or 96KHz). When all inputs are inactive, the unit steps
through the input ports continuously as indicated by the input select lamps (if in Search Mode).
Most DAC’s contains relays for the purpose of muting the output during turn on (allowing the
DAC to settle to proper operating conditions). The DA2002 contains no relays, in order to avoid
signal degradation associated with relay contacts. The unit minimizes “turn-on spikes” by
incorporating very slow tracking power supplies for its output stage, thus disabling the drive
capability during turn on. The DA2002 turn-on spike may be higher then that found in other
DAC’s but the sound is not compromised. The spike due to power off is comparable to that
found in other DAC’s.
Polarity Inversion
The normal polarity is set to pin 2 “+” or “non-inverted.” To invert, press the
switch. Signal inversion is indicated by a steadily illuminated INVERT lamp.
Inverting while in balanced operation exchanges the polarity of the signals on pin 2 and
pin 3 of the XLR connector.
Inverting while in unbalanced operation impacts signal polarity on pin 2 of the XLR
Inverting while in unbalanced operation impacts signal polarity on the IEC center