The DA2002 converts incoming 24 bit digital inputs to analog audio signals. The combination of
excellent linearity, small quantization steps, fast and accurate response and low noise
performance enables reproduction of the finest details. The DA2002 accommodates standard
sample rates of 44.1, 48, 88.2, & 96 kHz.
The DA2002 provides many enhancements to the classical resistor weighting architecture. A
triple segmented design
improves the accuracy of the 10 most significant bits. Short-term
accuracy is maintained by keeping the critical components at constant temperature in a
controlled oven
Long term accuracy is achieved by extensive use of continuous
automatic self-
A large number of
extra codes
enable the addition of digital DC offset to the signal path without
signal clipping. The DC offset provides superior low level detail by keeping low level signals
away from the most significant bit transitions. A
quad switch deglitcher circuit
removes the
unwanted transition glitch energy.
In both PLL Mode and CrystalLock™ Mode, the DA2002
eliminates jitter
in the incoming data
stream by use of a pullable crystal oscillator. The result is consistently fatigue-free listening;
even from relatively high-jitter sources.
The DA2002 features:
• 96kHz, 88.2kHz, 48kHz and 44.1kHz conversion frequencies
• Multi-bit architecture with 24 bits, non Sigma-Delta
• Very low Total Harmonic Dist Noise
• Automatic calibration
• Unparalleled low level accuracy
• CrystalLock™ Digital Jitter removal at 44.1 and 48 kHz
• Professional and consumer inputs and outputs