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Com 3), please use the LAVA Com Port Redirect Utility included in the 
“Utils\Redirect“ subdirectory of your Installation CD. Such a 
reassignment may be necessary because some communications 
applications programs do not recognize port designations beyond Com 
4. The Com Port Redirect utility will allow you to change the Com 
numbering of your ports without changing I/O address resources.

To install the Port Redirect Utility on your hard drive, insert the 
Installation CD into your computer, click Start, Run and type [your drive 

In Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7, Com port numbering can be changed by 
double-clicking the SSerial-PCI entry displayed in Windows' Device 
Manager (as described earlier). Go to Settings | Advanced, and choose 
Com Port #.

Changing the Com numbering of your SSerial-

PCI/LP port (Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7)
