LAUDA Water Circulation coolers
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All WK-models with working temperature range 0...40°C
WK 500
Desk top unit with two-stage high-grade steel circulating pump with discharge pressure of 1 bar. Castors
at the rear for the slight handling.
WK 502
Desk top unit with increased cooling capacity and circulating pump. Especially also for the cooling of
AAS units.
WK 1200, WK 2200
Floor-mounted devices in the middle performance range, with powerful circulating pumps with max.
discharge pressure of 3,2 bar. Adjustable bypass for the pressure decrease. 4 castors, 2 can be locked.
WK 1400, WK 2400
Floor-mounted devices as WK 1200 and WK 2200, but with two-stage high-grade steel pump of low noise
with max. discharge pressure of 1 bar.
WK 3200, WK 4600, WK 7000, WK 10000
Floor-mounted devices with large cooling capacity and 3,2 bar circulating pump designed for three-phase
WK 7000 W, WK 10000 W
Very powerful devices with water-cooled condenser.
All WKL models have a working temperature range expanded under 0°C and are with
temperatures around 0°C more efficient than comparable WK devices are
WKL 230
Very compact desk-top unit with working temperature range to –9.9°C.
WKL 600, WKL 700
Desk-top units to –25°C and/or –10°C with 2-stage pump or 1 bar.
WKL 603, WKL 703
Desk-top units to –20°C and/or –5°C with powerful side channel pump with max. discharge pressure of
3,2 bar.
WKL 1200, WKL 2200
Floor-standing models in the middle performance range with working temperature range to –9.9°C,
3,2 bar. Pumps and adjustable bypass for the pressure decrease.
WKL 3200, WKL 4600
Floor-standing three-phase alternating current devices with working temperature range to –9.9°C and
3,2 bar pump.
WKL 7000, WKL 10000
Very efficient devices with working temperature range to –25°C and high-powerful pump (max. 6 bar,
max. 60 L/min).
WKL 7000 W, WKL 10000 W
Very efficient devices with water-cooled condenser.
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