Puridest Glass Distillation Apparatus
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Pre-Filter 1 µm, for pre-cleaning the tap water, and to protect the unit from premature contamination. Complete with
connections for pressure hose ½" (inner diameter 12.7 mm), including filter candle. The candle should be replaced at least
every six months.
Pre-Filter with candle
Spare candle
Part-No. A000133
Part-No. A000134
Wall bracket, for one filter or for filter combinations of two or three filters, including sleeves to connect the filters as well as
screws to fix the filters to the wall bracket.
A data sheet on possible connection variants of articles A000129, A000131 and A000133 can be supplied on request.
Set of all 3 filters, incl. wall bracket
Wall bracket for one filter
and fillings, mounted completely
Part-No. A000136
Part-No. A000135
Hose Sets, consisting of hoses for water inlet and outlet (length 1.5 m), including hose clips.
Hose Set
Hose Set
for models PD 2G to PD 8 G
for models PD 2 G to PD 8 G
for seperate water supply
Part-No. A000139
Part-No. A000143
Hose Set
Hose Set
for models PD 2 DG and PD 4 DG
for models PD 2 DG and PD 4 DG
for seperate water supply
Part-No. A000140
Part-No. A000144
Level Control Switch
Only factory installation into all Glass Distillation Apparatus is possible.
When connecting an external storage tank (not included in the scope of supply) to the Distillation Apparatus, it is recom-
mended to equip the unit with a Level Control Switch which controls the water level in the external storage tank and
switches off power and water when the external storage tank is full. When using an external storage tank in connection
with Level Control Switch, the internal storage tank is only usable to a limited extent due to different levels of the internal
and external tanks. Part-No. is depending on the Model of the Distillation Apparatus.
Level Control Switch