Puridest Glass Distillation Apparatus
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LAUDA Puridest Glass Distillation Apparatus models PD 2 G, PD 4 G, PD 8 G, PD 2 DG and PD 4 DG produce ultra-
pure, bacteria and pyrogen-free distillate with a very low conductivity (approx 2.2 µS/cm at 25 °C for mono distillate and
1.6 µS/cm at 25 °C for bi distillate). The distillate is in conformity with DAB regulations and the regulations of international
Before installation, please check whether contents of package are in good order and complete.
Should you note any damages or have any reasons for complaint, please contact your supplier or directly.
LAUDA-GFL Gesellschaft für Labortechnik mbH
Schulze-Delitzsch-Str. 4+5
30938 Burgwedel - Germany
Telefon: +49 (0)5139 9958 0
Fax: +49 (0)5139 9958 21