Starting up
6.4.2 User
Remove the external consumers and switch the setting knob of the pump to right side.
Section 5.4).
A reference thermometer with necessary accuracy is required. Otherwise the factory
calibration should not be altered. The reference thermometer has to be inserted far
enough and long enough into the bath.
It is not allowed to calibrate to more than ± 3 °C. Multiple calibration to more than ± 3
°C cause internal faults (after 2 min ”EEE“ changing with “1006” or ”16”).
The factory calibration
will be lost through overwriting
please work carefully!!!
Directly from level 0 (actual value display), press key
combination on the left
with key from pump output.
>2,5 s
1. The display shows CAL. To carry out a calibration, press
the key longer than 2.5 s.
2. The actual value appears and flashes approx. 4 s.
3. Input the value indicated on the reference thermometer with
one of the two keys.
4. The additive calibration must be entered with the key shown
on the left.
5. Forward with key to "END",
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