Unit description
3 Unit
3.1 Unit
The immersion thermostat E 100 has a device for fixing the immersion thermostat to the bath vessel
(clamping bracket). An adapter is supplied for the deep-drawn LAUDA baths 003, 011, 019 and 025.
The type designation of the Ecoline bath/circulation thermostats consists of the control unit E 100 and the
type of bath.
Example: Control unit E 100 and bath 003 produces Thermostat Type E 103.
The letter T (for "Transparent") refers to the baths made of polycarbonate. Type E 103 is supplied with
bath cover. For other baths made of stainless steel bath covers are available as accessory (
10. Accessories).
3.2 Pumps
All units are supplied with a pressure pump with vario drive. The pump has an outlet with a rotatable bend
(Immersion Thermostat) which is connected to the pump nipple for external thermostating circuits
(bath/circulation thermostats). An additional outlet provides circulation inside the bath. By turning the
setting knob it is possible to choose between both outlets or to divide the flows.
The pump chamber of immersion thermostats is rotatable in a restricted way to reach an optimal
circulation. The pump can be used up to viscosities of 150 mm²/s during heating up. To get an optimum
accuracy of control a viscosity of 30 mm²/s is recommended.
One of five pump output steps can be selected using the operating menu.
On small bath thermostats (e.g. E 103 or E 106 T) and with operation as bath thermostat it is advisable to
use output step 1. The advantage is a low heat generation while having a uniform circulation, that means,
that the unit can work without cooling down to just above ambient temperature.
When operating as circulation thermostat with an external circuit it is preferable to use a larger flow
setting in order to ensure a small temperature difference, especially at higher temperatures and in
conjunction with oil as the bath liquid.
The pump pressure outlet can be closed off without causing any damage to the pump.
Pump characteristics
Section 9. Technical data)
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