5 Preparations
Assembly and setting up
a) Immersion Thermostat
Hang the thermostat into the bath to be thermostated
Section 10. Accessories)
In baths made of plastic the heater should
not have contact to the sides of the bath!
Do not cover the ventilation opening at the
back of the unit.
Keep clear distance of at least 20 cm.
Adjustment of the pump chamber
The fixation of the temperature probe has
to be moved upwards approx. 15 mm.
Adjust the pump chamber.
Move the fixation of the temperature probe
downwards again (see ill. on the left)
For all LAUDA baths (plastic and deep-drawn baths),
please fix the adapter (standard accessory) on the
clamping bracket.
Turn the jet nozzle to face diagonally into the bath. The
outflow for the bath circulation can then be closed.
Turn the setting knob to the left (see. ill. 1)
Adjustments of the pump outflows
ill 1
Setting knob turned anticlockwise
ill 2
Setting knob medium position
ill 3.
Setting knob turned clockwise
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