OpenLDI/FPD-LINK/LVDS Receiver Interface IP
User Guide
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All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice.
The design flow for the IP created with Clarity Designer uses a post-synthesized module (NGO) for synthesis and a
protected model for simulation. The post-synthesized module and protected model are customized when you
configure the IP and are created automatically when the IP is generated.
provides a list of key files and directories created by Clarity Designer and how they are used. The
post-synthesized module (NGO), the protected simulation model, and all other files are also generated based on your
configuration and provided as examples to use or evaluate the IP.
Table 5.1. Files Generated in Clarity Designer
Verilog top-level module of OpenLDI/FPD-LINK/LVDS Receiver Interface IP used for both
synthesis and simulation.
Verilog submodules for simulation. Files that do not have equivalent black box modules are also
used for synthesis.
Protected Verilog models for simulation.
<instance_name>_* _bb.v
Verilog black box modules for synthesis.
User interface configured and synthesized modules for synthesis.
Verilog parameters file which contains required compiler directives to successfully configure IP
during synthesis and simulation.
Lattice Parameters Configuration file. This file records all the IP configuration options set through
Clarity Designer. It is used by IP generation script to generate configuration-specific IP. It is also
used to reload parameter settings in the IP user interface in Clarity Designer when it is being
Template for instantiating the generated soft IP top-level in another user-created top module.
Aside from the files listed in the tables, most of the files required to evaluate the OpenLDI/FPD-LINK/LVDS Receiver
Interface IP are available under the directory \<fpdlinkrx_eval>, including the simulation model. Lattice Diamond
project files are also included under the folder at \<fpdlinkrx_eval>\<instance_name>\impl\lifmd\<synthesis_tool>\.
The \<instance_name>
) contains files/folders with content specific to the <instance_name>
configuration. This directory is created by Clarity Designer each time the IP is generated and regenerated with the same
file name. A separate \<instance_name> directory is generated for IPs with different names, such as
\<my_IP_0>,\<my_IP_1>, and others.
The folder\<instance_name>, the \fpdlinkrx_eval and sub directories provide files supporting OpenLDI/FPD-LINK/LVDS
Receiver Interface IP evaluation that includes files/folders with content that is constant for all configurations of the
OpenLDI/FPD-LINK/LVDS Receiver Interface IP. The \fpdlinkrx_eval directory is created by Clarity Designer the first time
the IP is generated, when multiple OpenLDI/FPD-LINK/LVDS Receiver Interface IPs are generated in the same root
directory and updated each time the IP is regenerated.
You can use the prebuilt Diamond projects provided at
\<project_root>\fpdlinkrx_eval\<instance_name>\impl\lifmd\<synthesis_tool>\ to evaluate the implementation
(synthesis, map, place and route) of the IP in Lattice Diamond tool. The src directory contains the behavioral models of
the black-boxed modules and the models directory provides library elements.