Spectrum Analyzer mode - Main Screen
Upon start,
LATNEX Spectrum Analyzer
goes to Spectrum Analyzer mode automatically.
The X axis represents frequency in MHZ and Y axis display actual received power in dBm or dBuV (selectable).
In this example above, the frequency span goes from 2390 MHz to 2450 MHz (that is a 60MHz range), and
the visual amplitude goes from -1 dBm to -110 dBm.
Configuration settings such as amplitude reference and frequency span are preserved between sessions,
stored in internal FLASH memory.
The main screen automatically displays a small marker with a triangle shape. This will indicate the peak
amplitude found in the current frequency span, being the first text line the frequency in MHZ and the second
line the amplitude at that particular point.
The main screen has a number of additional indicators:
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