S1 Dream Espresso Machine – GUI Addendum
Dream GUI Addendum
Page 30
Use the Up arrow or the Down arrow buttons, move the
Dot to ON or OFF, then press the Menu button to lock in
that option and return to Menu screen #2.
7.20 Menu Screen #3
Starting with the EGS Screen highlighted as shown in the previous paragraph, press the Down Arrow
to display the Menu screen #3 Configuration Options. As with Menu screen #2 you see the double
left arrows in the upper left corner of the screen and double right arrows in the upper right corner of
the screen indicating that there are additional screens both to the left and to the right of this screen.
7.21 Auto-Shutdown Enable
With the large On/Off button icon displayed and the word
AUTO SH.DOWN showing at the top of the screen, press
the Menu button.
Use the Up or Down Arrows to select the desired value and then
press the Menu button to lock it in.
When enabled, if no operations have been performed; i.e. no front
panel buttons pressed for a specific period of time, the machine will
turn off independently of any automated turn off time you have
If you use this function and decide to have an espresso at some
later point in time, you may arrive to find your machine is cold.
7.22 Group Cleaning
This function is intended to help automate backflushing. When turned on the pump is cycled on and
off multiple times to push water into the portafilter then release the 3-way valve so that cleaning
detergent or rinse water is flushed back into the group and out the 3-way valve.
With the large Group icon displayed and the word Group
Cleaning showing at the top of the screen, press the
Menu button.