ACCESS NF04T | Version 1 | 04/16/20
Source IP
indicates the IP address of the active device in the production network (WAN).
Destination IP
addressed device in the machine network (LAN).
The filter rules can be defined for one protocol type with
“TCP” or “UPD”.
Destination Ports
indicates the ports to which the filter rules apply.
If a filter rule applies to several or even all ports, this can be simply defined in the “Destination Ports” field. A list of
ports is indicated separated by commas: “80,443,1194”. A port range can be indicated with a colon: “4000:5000”
or “1:65535” for all ports. Combinations of this are also possible: “80,443,4000:5000”.
It is also possible to configure the access of several participants with one another. An IP range can be defined with
a dash: ““. A list of IP addresses is indicated with commas:
defines whether this rule allows communication (“Accept”), rejects with error message (“Reject”), or simply
rejects (“Drop”). The appropriate method here should always be chosen in interaction with the “Default Action”. If
the Default Action is, for example, “Reject” or “Drop”, the filter rules should all be set to “Accept” (Whitelisting). If
the Default Action is “Accept”, a block can be defined in the filter rules with “Reject” or “Drop” for certain devices
= Rule is active; a click on the lamp symbol changes the rule status to inactive
= Rule is inactive: A click on the lamp symbol changes the rule status to active
Possible actions:
delete a rule
edit a rule
copy a rule
A maximum of 128 packet filter rules per direction (“WAN to LAN” and “LAN to WAN”) can be defined.