7: Administration
PremierWave® 2050 802.11ac Embedded Wi-Fi® User Guide
The following section describes the steps to view and configure Line 1 settings;
these steps apply to other line instances of the device.
Line Status and Configuration
View-only status information on the Line 1 - Statistics page displays line statistics including
information on bytes, queued bytes, breaks, flow control, parity errors, framing errors, overrun
errors, no Rx buffer errors, CTS input, RTS output, DSR input, and DTR output.
for the line settings that can be modified on the Line 1 - Configuration page. See
for the line settings that can be established on the Line 1 - Command Mode page.
Table 7-7 Line Configuration Settings
Line Settings
Enter a name or short description for the line, if desired. By default, there is no name
specified. A name that contains white space must be quoted.
Set the interface type for the Line. The default is RS232. Choices are:
RS485 Half-Duplex
RS485 Full-Duplex
Select to enable or disable the operational state of the Line. The default is Enabled.
Set the operational protocol for the Line. The default is None. Choices are:
The Line currently only supports None so can be used in Command
Mode, for CLI. Tunnel, as in serial-networking tunneling protocol, will be supported in
a future software release.
Baud Rate
Set the Baud Rate (speed) of the Line. The default is 9600.
Any set speed between 300 and 921600 may be selected: 300, 600, 1200, 2400,
4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400, 460800, 921600. When
selecting a Custom baud rate, you may manually enter any value between 300 and
Custom baud rates are not supported when a line is configured for Command
Set the Parity of the Line. The default is None.
Data Bits
Set the number of data bits for the Line. The default is 8.
Stop Bits
Set the number of stop bits for the Line. The default is 1.
Flow Control
Set the flow control for the Line. The default is None.
This field becomes available if RS232 or RS485 Full-Duplex is selected under
Interface above.
Xon Char
Set Xon Char to be used when Flow Control is set to Software. Prefix decimal with \
or prefix hexadecimal with 0x or prefix a single control character <control>.
This field becomes available for configuration when Software is selected
under Flow Control.
Xoff Char
Set Xoff Char to be used when Flow Control is set to Software. Prefix decimal with \
or prefix hexadecimal with 0x or prefix a single control character <control>.
This field becomes available for configuration when Software is selected
under Flow Control.
Baud Rate
Select the desired baud rate from the drop-down menu.