Enable installs SMART(Self-Monitoring Analysis-Reporting
Technology), which issues a warning if an IDE failure is imminent.
Video BIOS Shadow
Determines whether video BIOS will be copied to RAM. Video shadow
will increase the video speed. The default setting is “Eable”. Enable
copies Video BIOS to shadow RAM Improves performance.
C8000-CBFFF /
D0000-D3FFF /
D4000-D7FFF /
D8000-DBFFF /
DC000-DFFFF Shadow
These categories determine whether option ROMs will be copied to
Enabled optional shadow is enabled
Disabled optional shadow is disabled
Full Screen LOGO Show
Show full screen logo during BIOS bootup process. Seetings : Enabled
and Disabled.
3.5 Advanced Chipset Setup
When you select the “CHIPSET FEATURES SETUP” on the main program, the screen display
will appears as:
Advanced Chipset Features Setup Screen
BIOS Setting and Terms Description
Spread Spectrum
When the mainboard’s clock generator pulses, the extreme values(spikes)
of the pulses creates EMI (Electromagnetic Interference). The Spread
Spectrum function reduces the EMI generated by modulating the pulses so
that the spikes of the pulses are reduced to flatter curves.
Console Redirection
Console redirection allows you to manage a host (local) system from a
client (remote) system by redirecting keyboard input and text output
through a serial port.