Landa MHC Burner Air Adjustment
CAUTION: If white smoke appears from burner
exhaust vent during start-up or operation, discon
tinue use and readjust air bands.
ATTENTION: Si de la fumée blanche s'échappe de
l'évacuation du brûleur pendant le démarrage ou le
fonctionnement, cesser d'utiliser et réajuster les
bandes d'air.
PRECAUCIÓN: Si se presenta humo blanco del
escape del quemador durante el arranque u
operación, detenga la operación y reajuste las
bandas de aire.
If a flue is installed, have a professional
serviceman adjust your burner for a #1 or #2 smoke
spot on the Bacharach scale.
Removal of Soot and Heating Coil
In the heating process, fuel residue in the form of soot
deposits may develop on the heating coil and block air
flow which will affect burner combustion. When soot
has been detected on visual observation, the soot on
the coil must be washed off after following the coil
removal steps.
1. Disconnect hose from pump/unloader to inlet side
of the coil.
2. Remove thermostat sensor.
3. Remove the tank head assembly by unscrewing
six screws and lifting the top wrap off.
4. Fold back insulation blanket.
5. Remove the two pipe nipples and associated
6. Remove bolt Item 75, , that hold down coil to
bottom wrap.
7. Lift the coil out of the bottom wrap.
CAUTION: The coil weighs about 80 lbs. Use proper
lifting techniques.
ATTENTION: La bobine pèse environ 36.3 kg (80lb).
Utiliser des techniques de levage appropriées.
PRECAUCION. El peso del intercambiador de calor
es aprox. 36.3 kg (80 lbs). Utilice técnicas apropi
adas para el levantamiento.
8. Replace or repair any insulation found to be torn or
9. Clean, repair and replace the coil by reversing the
above steps.
Coil Re-installation
Reinstall by reversing the above steps 9 through 1.
Final Note
The 12 VDC burner systems can draw as much as 18
amps! For such motors to run properly, the battery and
engine charging system must be kept in good condi
tion, and the engine must run fast enough to
adequately charge the battery. Do not throttle down the
engine for any length of time.
Landa MHC 9.800-950.0 - BM