Section 2: Operating Procedures
STP15 Tree/Post Puller 328-222M
Land Pride
Transport Safety
Follow all safety precautions when transporting a load. Using
unsafe transporting methods can damage the equipment and
cause serious injury or death to the operator and bystanders.
• The operator of the skid steer must know how to control the
machine and how to stop quickly in an emergency.
• Always transport loads with Tree/Post Puller low to the
ground to maintain stability of the skid steer.
• Transport with load upright to help keep it from falling.
Never tilt load toward the operator.
• Always travel straight up and straight down inclines. Never
exceed 10 percent grade (5.7 degrees) when traveling on an
incline. Never travel across inclines and make turns only on
level ground.
• Transporting loads across bumpy, soft, or slippery surfaces
reduces stability and lift capacity of the skid steer.
Transporting and lifting loads under these conditions is
extremely dangerous and can result in a rollover.
• Keep equipment and load away from electrical power lines.
Place an orange warning sign under overhead electrical
power lines indicating type of danger above.
• Never transport a load on roadways.
• When traveling on roadways, transport in such a way that
faster moving vehicles may pass you safely.
• When traveling on public roads at night or during the day,
use accessory lights and devices for adequate warning to
operators of other vehicles. Comply with all federal, state,
and local laws.
General Operation
By now you should have familiarized yourself with the
Operator’s Manual for your STP15 Tree/Post Puller. If you
have not done so, please do so now. We cannot
overstress the importance of reading and following the
safety information and operating procedures that are
spelled out in this Manual.
The skid steer should have a door on its cab to operate
the Tree/Post Puller safely. It will help stop tree limbs and
roots from coming into the cab. Land Pride also
recommends attaching a brush guard on your skid steer
to help protect the cab and operator. Brush guards
designed to fit your skid steer usually can be purchased
from the skid steer dealer.
Proceed by getting into the seat of your skid steer and
fastening your seat belt before starting your skid steer. It
won’t take you long to learn how to use your new Land
Pride Tree/Post Puller, but we do recommend that you
take a little time to practice securely attaching and
detaching your Tree/Post Puller to and from your skid
steer mounting hitch plate. It is also important to practice
maneuvering the Tree/Post Puller by raising and lowering
the puller and tilting the hitch forward and backward until
you have gained the confidence and skill needed to have
a good feel in what you are doing.
If you have not already done so, have the site marked
with flags to indicate where underground utilities run.
Also check for overhead obstructions and place orange
warning signs under overhead electrical power lines
indicating type of danger above.
It is now time to start removing those unwanted trees
and/or posts. The maximum size of tree or post that can
be pulled will vary depending on condition of the soil,
diameter and species of the tree, and size of the skid
steer pulling the tree or post. Pull only trees and posts
that are 10" and under in diameter.
Start by opening the jaws and lowering the puller close to
the ground. Move slowly forward to capture the tree
inside and to the back of the jaws. Close jaws against the
tree to drive the teeth into the tree. Be careful not to close
the jaws so tight as to shear off the tree or post.
Raise skid steer loader arms up to pull a post or tree out
of the ground. If assistance is needed, move forward and
backward while pulling. Some side to side movement
may also be applied to assist pulling.
Larger trees and posts that require higher forces can
suddenly break loose from the ground causing a sudden
uplift at the front of the skid steer. To guard against this,
ease off on the lift cylinders once the tree or post starts to
pull loose from the ground. At this time, exert only
enough force to slowly raise the post or tree from the
Some trees may require the roots to be excavated. Use
the spade points on the end of the jaws to do this. Always
close jaws tight against each other before digging into the
soil. Rotate top of skid steer hitch plate forward to angle
spades into the soil. Dig under the roots and rotate top of
skid steer hitch back and raise skid steer loader arms up
to rip individual roots from the ground. Continue to dig
around the base of the tree in this fashion until all major
roots have been ripped from the soil or broken into.
As conditions allow, several smaller trees can be
accumulated inside the jaws of the Tree/Post Puller
before disposing of them on a tree pile. Simple carry the
first tree pulled to the next tree, lower the Tree/Post Puller
down, and open its jaws to capture the next tree while
keeping the first tree still inside the jaws. Close jaws
around both trees and pull. Continue to capture other
small trees using this method until the jaws have exceed
their ability to hold more trees.
When ready, transport post(s) and/or tree(s) upright in
the jaws to the pile. At the pile, rotate top of skid steer
hitch plate forward to place the tree(s) or post(s) onto the
pile. Release the grip the jaws have on the post(s) or