Section 2: Operating
RTR12 & RTA12 Series (Serial No. ) Rotary Tillers 311-883M
RTR Park Stand Operation
Rotate park stand (#1) down as shown in Figure 2-1
before unhooking tiller from a tractor. Rotate park stand
up as shown in Figure 2-2 when tiller is hitched to a
Set Park Stand For Transport
Always adjust RTR12 Series park stand up before
traveling with tiller hitched to a tractor.
Refer to Figure 2-1:
1. Remove wire retaining pin (#2).
Refer to Figure 2-2:
2. Rotate park stand (#1) up.
3. Reinsert wire retaining pin (#2) in upper holes as
4. Make sure wire retainer is caught over end of
pin (#2).
Set Park Stand For Storage
To avoid serious injury or death:
An unsupported parked tiller can tip over. Always use park
stand and/or support blocks to prevent it from tipping over
Always adjust park stand down before unhooking the
tiller from the tractor.
Refer to Figure 2-2:
1. Remove wire retaining pin (#2).
Refer to Figure 2-1:
2. Rotate park stand (#1) down.
3. Reinsert wire retaining pin (#2) in lower holes as
4. Make sure wire retainer is caught over end of
pin (#2).
To prevent damaging the park stand,
always store the stand in its transport position before
RTR Park Stand in Storage Position
Figure 2-1
RTR Park Stand in Transport Position
Figure 2-2