Section 3: Adjustments
RB1660, RB1672, RB1684, RB2672, RB2684, & RB2696 Rear Blades 301-375M
Hydraulic Blade Reversing
The Blade can be manually rotated 180
for backfilling
and then angled while in reverse position with hydraulics.
Lower blade until it is resting on the ground.
2. Remove hairpin cotter (#1) and clevis pin (#2).
3. Remove cap screw (#8) and pivot cap (#3),
4. Remove locknuts (#9), bolts (#7), and hydraulic
angle plate (#4).
5. Turn hydraulic angle plate (#4) upside down and
attach it or the stored drive pivot cap (#6) to blade
pivot shaft (#5) with pivot cap (#3) and cap screw
(#8). Draw hex flange cap screw up snug, do not
tighten at this time.
The stored drive pivot cap (#6) can be used
in lieu of hydraulic angle plate (#4) in step 5 below.
6. With tractor 3-point, raise blade up, rotate blade 180
and then lower blade until on the ground.
Remove hex flange cap screw (#8), pivot cap (#3),
and hydraulic angle plate (#4) or drive pivot cap (#6).
8. Turn hydraulic angle plate (#4) upright and reattach it
to blade pivot shaft (#5) with 3/4"-10 x 5 1/2" GR5
bolts (#7) and locknuts (#9). Draw locknuts up snug,
do not tighten at this time.
9. Attach pivot cap (#3) to hydraulic angle plate (#4)
with 3/4"-10 x 1 1/2" hex flange cap screw (#8).
10. Tighten hex flange cap screw (#8) and locknuts (#9)
to the correct torque.
11. Attach hydraulic cylinder to hydraulic angle plate (#5)
with clevis pin (#2) and secure with hairpin clip (#1).
Blade Reversing With Hydraulics Attached
Figure 3-6
Note: The removed and stored drive pivot
cap (#6) is shown as an alternate method for
securing the moldboard to the mainframe
while manually rotating the blade 180