LANCOM Systems GmbH
Adenauerstr. 20/B2
52146 Würselen | Germany
[email protected]
LANCOM, LANCOM Systems, LCOS, LANcommunity and Hyper Integration are registered trade-
marks. All other names or descriptions used may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their
owners. This document contains statements relating to future products and their attributes. LAN-
COM Systems reserves the right to change these without notice. No liability for technical errors
and / or omissions. 06/2023
Configuration backup
We recommend that you regularly make backups of your LANCOM device
configuration. This avoids having to reconstruct the configuration of your
device if it develops a defect.
There are two ways to do this.
→ With LANconfig: Mark the device in the main window and click on the
button in the toolbar, or access the menu item
. A dialog window
is displayed where you can define the name and storage location for the
configuration file.
→ With WEBconfig: On the start page, click on the link
and select the option
. In the dialog window
that follows you can define the name and storage location for the
configuration file.
For further information please refer to the LCOS Reference Manual, which
you can download from www.lancom-systems.com/publications.