Chapter 4: Security settings
Besides these general settings you can also check the security settings of the
wireless network with the security wizard as far as your device has a WLAN
Wizard for LANconfig
Mark your LANCOM in the selection window. Select from the command
bar Extras
Setup Wizard.
Select in the selection menu the setup wizard Control Security Settings
and confirm your choice with Next.
Enter your password in the following windows and select the allowed pro-
tocols for the configuration access from local and remote networks.
In a next step parameters of the configuration lock like number of failed
log-in attempts and the duration of the lock can be adjusted.
Now activate Stateful Inspection, ping-blocking and Stealth mode in the
the firewall configuration.
The wizard will inform you when entries are complete. Complete the con-
figuration with Finish.
Wizard for WEBconfig
Under WEBconfig you have the possibility to run the wizard Security settings
to control and change the settings. The following values are handled:
password for the device
allowed protocols for the configuration access of local and remote net-
parameters of configuration lock (number of failed log-in attempts and
duration of the lock)
110584_LC-1751-UMTS-MANUAL-EN.book Page 43 Tuesday, February 26, 2008 5:16 PM