Thank you for your confidence in us!
With its integrated UMTS/HSxPA modem, the ADSL2+ router LANCOM 1751
UMTS sets standards in flexibility and redundancy. Should a standard DSL
connection fail at a site, branch office or subsidiary, automatic compensation
is provided by a broadband UMTS/HSxPA or EDGE backup connection. Alter-
natively the ISDN interface can be used as a further backup line or for remote
access. Along with this unique level of high availability, the LANCOM 1751
UMTS is equipped as standard with 5 VPN channels (optionally 25), an inte-
grated ADSL2+ modem and four separately configurable switch ports, so offe-
ring a huge variety of professional applications.
The SIM-card holder is easily accessible via the back cover and, by connecting
an external UMTS antenna, indoor reception can be greatly improved. A real
highlight: Anti-theft by ISDN self-callback and location determination by GPS!
Security settings
To maximize the security available from your product, we recommend that you
undertake all of the security settings (e.g. firewall, encryption, access protec-
tion) that were not already activated when you purchased the product. The
LANconfig Wizard 'Security Settings' will help you with this task. Further infor-
mation is also available in the chapter 'Security settings'.
We would additionally like to ask you to refer to our Internet site
for the latest information about your product and technical
developments, and also to download our latest software versions.
User manual and reference manual
The documentation of your device consists of the following parts:
Installation guide
User manual
Reference manual
You are now reading the user manual. It also contains all of the important
technical specifications.
The reference manual can be found on the LANCOM product CD as an Acrobat
(PDF) document. It is designed as a supplement to the user manual and goes
into detail on topics that apply to a variety of models. These include, for
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