The EOG ozone generator is delivered factory tested, calibrated, and adjusted for maximum efficiency and long life.
Simple maintenance and appropriate operating conditions are the only requirements to keep the unit functioning within
manufacturer’s specifications.
Performing any other modifications or adjustments to internal components will cause the unit to function outside of
manufacturer’s specifications and will cause damage to the unit not covered under warranty terms.
Frequency of Maintenance:
Every 12 months, more frequently in high humidity areas.
Perform the following CD cell cleaning procedure:
A CD cell cleaning kit may be purchased. Reference page 6 for more information.
1. With the front cover removed, remove the CD cell from the ozone generator:
a. Disconnect the red spade terminal connector from the CD cell connection terminal.
b. Cut the CD cell retaining strap holding the cell into the cell clips, and discard.
c. Disconnect the air inlet and ozone outlet hoses from the CD cell barb fittings.
d. Pull the CD cell straight up from the retaining clips.
2. Flush the CD cell with warm water until the water comes out entirely clean:
a. Connect a 3/16” I.D. piece of tubing to either of the CD cell barb fittings.
b. Using a syringe or rubber bulb pump to work the warm water through the CD cell, flushing until all nitric acid or obstructions are
removed, and the water runs clean.
(NOTE: Hot water can be used if nitric acid buildup is severe)
3. Ensure that the CD cell is completely dry, inside and out, before re-installation:
a. Use dry, compressed air to blow through either CD cell barbed fitting until no moisture is ejected from the opposite barbed
4. Reinstall clean, dry CD cell into EOG in reverse order, making sure all air and electrical connections are secure.
Frequency of Maintenance:
Every 12 months
Perform the following general maintenance and CD cell cleaning procedure:
1. Disconnect EOG from power source.
2. Remove cover.
3. Inspect the inside of the generator for dust and moisture.
4. Thoroughly clean and dry the inside of the generator.
5. Replace top cover.
6. Replace any in-line and brine elbow check valves.
ozone generator maintenance