LampizatOr- Amber-3 Manual
3. The distance of the speakers to the side walls and speakers to rear wall should not
be equal. We recommend 1,4 times smaller or 1,4 times larger distance- but not
equal. We measure that counting from the magnet of the bass driver.
4. Distance from rear wall of speaker and rear wall of the room should be no less than
0,5 m or 2 feet.
5. Ideally, the tweeter should be at the height of the ear or up to 10 cm higher, but nOT
LOWER. Speakers with tweeters lower than 90 cm sound terribly wrong. In such
event do everything you can to elevate the speaker by means of stands, bases or
just cement block or at least lower the listening seat as much as possible.
6. The chair or sofa should not have the back support higher than the person’s
shoulders - in other words - should not be just behind the ears
7. Feet are the second ears of our body. They receive a lot of vibration stimulation and
the brain combines this with the hearing. So we advise to have a piece of floor
without any carpet directly where our feet are. Listening with feet (preferably bare)
on the hard floor greatly enhances our perception of music. It is advisable to have
rug or carper between listener and speakers but not under the feet.
8. It is advisable to put something soft directly on the wall behind the speakers
9. The so called toe-in - the degree by which the speakers face the listener and not
alongside the walls straight - is very critical. The rule of thumb is to toe in half way
between standing straight and aiming at the listeners ear. Or slightly more straight,
but not more towards the head. Over- toe-in kills the soundstage.
The DAC comes straight from our factory after around 24 Hours of testing so it is not
exactly “new” but it is not burned-in enough. Our customers report back, that after 3
days of constant powering (playing or not) the DAC opens up significantly. Further
improvements are observed after up to 7 days when things stabilise.
Additional one day burn in is needed after every time the DAC: travels somewhere
(vibrations), or is disconnected for over a month or is subject to cold temperature - like
in the car trunk, when left overnight.
When the DAC is fully burned in, the sound quality is stable, and we only need to warm
it after powering every day.
The DAC starts to play after 10 seconds.
The tubes reach full technical parameters and stabilise after 40 s. but that does not
mean that the DAC sounds it’s best yet.